
A Five Step Approach to Reduce Time-to-Market for Manufacturing Firms

Getting products to market faster is a common objective for every company.  While the motivation varies, there are clear benefits including capturing more sales, beating competition to market, providing market flexibility and maintaining a leadership position. Reducing time-to-market can also be a focal point for improving the…

5 Keys to Innovation as a Strategic Choice for Business Growth

There are many paths to grow a company’s revenue and earnings. That topic typically consumes the majority of management bandwidth. Organic market growth, geographic expansion and acquisitions are all viable strategies. But are you ignoring the role of innovation? Surprisingly, a recent survey suggests many are. GSA…

Rethinking Your Company’s Purpose Benefits the Bottom Line

The traditional management model has existed for more than a hundred years and the basic tenants are still fundamental to how businesses are managed. Concepts such as hierarchy, standardization, specialization, goal alignment and the use of extrinsic rewards to motivate behavior are key components. Above all, efficiency…

How Lean is Your Organization? Home Runs, Bunts, or Both?

Whether or not your organization employs lean processes, chances are you have experienced them. Maybe you have seen the power of lean from drastically reduced wait times in healthcare, to significantly faster manufacturing lead times, to improved service delivery times and many other positive impacts. Yet, despite…

Aligning Manufacturing and R&D in New Product Development (NPD)

New product development (NPD) is about creating knowledge resulting in new products that drive revenue and earnings growth. It is arguably the most important business process and one of the most difficult to manage (1). Why? Because it encompasses a series of workflow, information and decision flow…

A Closer Look At The Trans-Pacific Partnership

The text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was released in November 2015 and includes over 6,000 pages, plus side agreements. It has ramifications for numerous industries, from cybersecurity to pharmaceuticals. If the TPP is adopted by all 12 member countries – Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia,…

Disrupting the Management Model

Do you expect your company to prosper for the next year, five years and well into the future? For any CEO or business owner, that question is always on your mind. So, how exactly are you going to adapt to your changing environment and re-invent your company…

The Future of 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing

In the 1960s Star Trek television program, crew members would head into the cafeteria and push a couple of buttons on a “replicator” and within seconds they would reach into the box and pull out their meal. This was great science fiction, but could it ever be…

Manufacturers Impacted by Floods, Turn Efforts to Community Recovery

While South Carolina has been in the national headlines due to record flooding, the state’s manufacturing machine remains largely intact. Now, the Palmetto state’s manufacturers are focusing on helping their communities recover. Although there have been some minor inconveniences, “the manufacturing industry not been significantly impacted,” said…