“In the air or on the road” Manufacturing Design with Paul Kumler

Manufacturing and Politics

Here we go again. Every four years we find ourselves here. We are in the midst of the next US presidential election. To be honest, I don’t like politics, of any kind (in government, business, church). Although this campaign seems like it’s already been going on too long, we must thoughtfully work through it until […]

Could South Carolina be the Place? Part II

Welcome to 2020, the beginning of a new year and the start of the third decade of the 2000’s! I originally wrote an article with the same title in 2016. Although this was originally geared toward supersonic aircraft manufacturing, as we begin a new year and consider…

Becoming a Trusted Partner

As a services provider, earning the trust of our clients is paramount to our business success. Trust is something each of us must earn. I was taught in a customer development class that all business relationships follow a developmental S-curve (shown below). What if your company manufactures…

Industrial Morality – The New Emergence

I was speaking to a friend at a manufacturing show in October. He mentioned that his young son wanted to invest in the stock market, with high hopes of picking the next Amazon or Microsoft in the early years. Yet, his son commented “Dad, your generation has…

Lifting Safety – Risk Reduction and Asset Protection

The most important resources in manufacturing are the operators and mechanics that make the production process work. Even as automation is increasing in the workplace, the human factor is essential. To keep your manufacturing running smoothly, it is essential to take care of the human resources. This…

Arrogance, Confidence, or Competence?

I have been told that aerospace engineers have a reputation of being “arrogant.” In fact, my specific discipline of expertise (air-frame structures) had a reputation of being some of the most arrogant even among aerospace engineers. Arrogance is defined as “being proud in an unpleasant way and…

Is A College Education the Only Way?

For as long as I can remember, my father and mother emphasized the importance of a college education. When I  was considering what I would do after high school, there was no question that I would start a college career. Since I always wanted to be an…

Tariffs and Unions; The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

How do labor unions and tariffs impact our economy and manufacturing in the US? I’ve heard statements that tariffs are generally assumed to favor corporations where labor unions favor the worker. Both of these ideas usually lead to politically charged discussions where the opinion on the effectiveness of each usually tends to follow political party […]

A Question of Ethics

The recent reports about production short cuts, blind-eye approvals, optional safety devices, and corporate management failures have been painful to read. I can’t comment on the truthfulness of the statements made about Boeing and their senior managers as I certainly don’t know all the facts. I spent…

High Paying Jobs in Manufacturing – Fact or Fiction?

One can’t attend an economic development forum, technical college recruitment, or any chamber of commerce meeting without hearing the mention of high paying jobs in South Carolina. In addition, employers (large and small) continue to scream for skilled workers. I’ve heard comments like, “Attend a trade school;…